Maternity What to wear guide

I’ve been tossing around a bunch of ideas in my head for a while now. I would love to have some recurring blog posts on my website. These would be posted monthly or quarterly and would have a reoccurring theme.  The main one that I have been thinking about writing would be about different locations around Metro Detroit. Places that you could have your session at, or if you’re not having a session maybe to just go and check out for yourself.

But last month I had a light bulb moment while lying in bed trying to fall asleep.

Does anyone else do that? Lay in bed and their brain will just not shut up? Well there I was trying to sleep and it popped into my head to do a post on what to wear for your maternity pictures. This is one of my most ask questions from pregnant momma’s and I wanted to develop something that I could send out when clients booked maternity sessions.

I started to do some research, just to see what is already out there on this topic. I don’t know about you but for me I always make things harder than they need to be, I easily get carried away. When that started to happen here, I stopped and thought how can I make this better? Better and easier for both of us. Well my one idea ended up being split into two.

Introducing my first is my downloadable PDF a “Maternity What to wear guide”

This guide is 7 pages long and had 10 tips to help you, from picking your color pallet to what I think photographs best. It will also help you to design your own style board, and has a list of stores online and locally that might help you when you go shopping!

The second part is my new monthly what to wear blog posts, I’m so excited for this!!

For this blog post I will be using to pick and image and color pallet. Then using this image I’m going to make a coordinating maternity outfit. These will all be based on the time of year, up first is spring. My first blog post will be the same color pallet in and outfit that I put in the guide as a sample. Because I’m finding all the clothing online I will be able to post the links to each item. That way if you like something you can purchase it! YAY!!!

I’m hope you’re as excited about this as I am! The first blog post is rolling out in the next few days, but the PDF is here right now. So, if you would like to get your own a copy of this Free Style Guide just fill out the from below and you will find it in your email shortly!

 P.S. If you would like me to do monthly posts about different locations please leave me a comment and let me know!

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